Course start date: 24 Sep 2020

Intended learning outcomes

At the completion of this course, students should be able to:


·         apply the basic processes of life in their day to day life;

·         differentiate the structure and function of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;

·         experiment the cellular processes for harvesting energy: respiration and photosynthesis;

·         Use basic knowledge of animal structure and function and organ systems including digestive, endocrine, nervous, immune, circulation, respiration, excretion and reproduction to improve their health.

·         use basic understanding of animal diversity in conservation,

·         apply the understanding of the relationships between tissues and organs in the whole animal via lectures and laboratory-based activities;

·         appreciate how and why organisms are studied by taking part in laboratory-based learning activities;

·         Developed skills in laboratory procedures such as correct use of microscopes; recording observations; hypothesis testing; data analysis, presentation and interpretation.





Generic skills

At the completion of this course, students should be able to:

·         critically assess and assimilate new knowledge;

·         use these skills to solve problems;

·         Complete basic manipulations with laboratory equipment, and dissection techniques.

·         develop skills in recording observations, analysis and interpretation of data,

·         work in small groups

  • Teacher: Odongo Ben
  • Enrolled students: No students enrolled in this course yet