Welcome to this new course unit
Course Title; Development Geography of East Africa[ core]
Course code; GEO1202
Course level; Year one semester 2
Credit units; 3 [45 hours]
Prerequisite courses; none
Course description; The course covers the physical background of East Africa, the cultural diversity, the development issues, resource utilization and regional disparities in development, political concerns and the role of NGOs and government agencies in regional development.
Course Aim; The aim of the course unit is to create an understanding of the current trends in development of East African region and the role major key players in the region
Learning Out Comes; Upon completion , students will;
-Explain the impact of the physical environments in East Africa
-Analyze the development issues that affect East African region especially those of culture diversity, political concerns and sustainable development
-Acquire knowledge about the economic development of eastern Africa
1.Physical position of east Africa [ 2hours]
2.Unity and diversity [8 hours]
-Population and culture and Economy
3.Physical environment of East Africa [8 hours]
Climate, Geomorphology, The soils Hydrology, Flora and fauna
4. The human environment in East Africa [6 hours]
-Major sectors, Resource utilization and development
5.Introduction and definition of development concepts [8 hours]
Sustainable development goals
Economies and level of development in East Africa
6.Disparities in regional development[ causes and effects] [8 hours]
-Poverty, HIV/AIDS, Regional instability, Food security and food Aid.
Measures taken to reduce such cases
7. The future of East Africa [7 hours]
Environmental concerns [ climate change and global warming]